When you think of dentures, what comes to mind? For many, it is the thought of their grandparent’s teeth sitting in a cup of water during dinner. However, thanks to innovations in technology and dentistry, partial and full dentures today are beautiful, durable, and natural-looking! In fact, their seamless result combined with a powerful adhesive makes them virtually undetectable. If you recently got dentures in Jacksonville or need a refresher on how to use adhesive properly, then keep reading.

4 Easy Steps to Applying Adhesive

  • Purchase a zinc-free adhesive – Zinc is often used as an over-the-counter remedy for fighting colds and flu-like symptoms. However, ingesting too much of it can be toxic, which is why it is beneficial to opt for a zinc-free adhesive.
  • Clean your dentures – To prevent food from getting underneath your dentures, it is important to prep them properly by cleaning them first. Therefore, make sure to use running water and a denture cleaner before patting them dry. Removing moisture will ensure that the adhesive has a solid foundation to stick to.
  • Apply the adhesive – Whether you prefer a cream or powder adhesive, it is important to apply the amount that is directed on the label. Make sure to evenly spread out the adhesive over your top and bottom denture for maximum security.
  • Place your dentures in your mouth – Using your thumb and forefinger, press your upper and lower dentures into your mouth. If adhesive pours out the sides of the denture, then you should gently remove them and re-start the process with less adhesive.

When Should You Use Adhesive?

Dentures are a popular appliance that can replace a missing tooth or an entire arch of teeth. If they fit properly, they should securely fit against the contours of your gums and last 5+ years. However, the shape of your jawbone can change over time due to a lack of stimulation from your natural teeth, which can cause your dentures to become loose. If this occurs, then you should talk to your dentist about having them adjusted regularly. However, if they continue to make minor movements when you chew or talk, then adhesive can help drastically!

Properly Removing Denture Adhesive

To expand the lifespan of your dentures, it is important to care for them properly upon removal. To loosen the adhesive and seamlessly remove the dentures, rinse with warm water or mouthwash before taking out your lower denture. By gently rocking it back and forth, you can slowly and safely release it from your gums. Next, remove your upper denture by using the same process. Since it adheres to more surface area, it may take more time to complete this step. However, it is important to be patient to ensure that you don’t damage your mouth or your denture in the process. From there, remove the leftover adhesive with warm water, a soft-bristled toothbrush, and toothpaste. Lastly, use the same cleaning method to clean your gums, tongue, and mouth.

Dentures can be life-changing, long-lasting treatment for patients with missing teeth. To ensure your conversation or dining experience isn’t interrupted by movement from your dentures, use the above tips for applying adhesive!

About the Practice

At Dental Center of Jacksonville, enjoyable amenities, state-of-the-art technology, and top-tier service create a dental experience that is second to none. With their friendly staff at their side, Dr. Jignesh Patel, Dr. Antal Barbela, and Dr. Andrew Calhoun use their training and genuine passion for dentistry to ensure their patients’ smiles and overall oral health are in pristine condition. If you are interested in getting dentures or are looking for a dentist in Jacksonville, don’t hesitate to contact their team via their website or by phone at 904-262-9466.